Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hello All!

Bobby got out of the rehab center on Sunday, not a moment too soon. We had dinner the night he got out and he told me some disturbing things, for example, the doctor told him that if he didn't like it there, he could leave. Then they brought him a fish dinner despite the "allergic to fish" bracelet he had on. And finally, the medication snafu, where the hospital and the rehab center didn't communicate and he didn't have his medicines for the better part of 24 hours.

He was dialyzed Monday and yesterday, trying to get back to his dry weight. He still has bandages on his hands. Despite that, he is in pretty good spirits and eager to work on this blog. I will post another session later today (EST, USA) where he will give a little history of his illness, how it affected him as a child, and advice for people with similar health challenges.

Check back later tonight or tomorrow for that post. Thanks for visiting and please let us know you were here!

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